4 ABC Week 3

Publikoval Petra Wernischová
Datum 12.9.2021
4 ABC Week 3
Cíl :
1. Užívám sloveso být a mít ve všech osobách jednotného i možného čísla
2. Pojmenuji členy rodiny: This is me, this is my family... wordwall family
3. Odpovídám na otázky se slovesem být 


What´s your name: My name´s .....

How old are you? I am 11 (years old).big numbers

How are you?   fine/ good/ not so good how are you song

How do you spell....? / Jak vyhláskuješ/ napíšeš.....?

How do you say  pravítko in English? Jak řekneš anglicky pravítko??

a ruler


how many

how many sharks


how much is?

How much is it? Kolik to stojí?


what´ s this what´s that



What´s your favourite colour? My favorite colour is .......     Song : zde



What´s your favourite food? My favorite food is... I like.... Song: here

What´s your favourite sport? My favorite sport is.....

riding a bike, riding a horse, football, basketball, floorball, rugby, swimming, surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, 

What´s your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes are.... clothes


What´s your favourite number? My favourite number is.....big numbers



 What´s your favourite subject? školní předmět?

My favourite subject is... Maths, English language, Czech language, I.C.T., , P.E., The World around us, Drama, Art, Music


What´s your  hobby? My  hobby is...

taking care of my pet

watching films

reading books/ comics

taking photos/ pictures

playing the  guitar



hiking = turistika

riding a bike= cycling,

riding a horse

playing computer games







cross country skiing = běžkování

playing football, basketball, floorball



caring for animals=starání se o zvířata


crafting= vyrábění (making decorative objects with your hands)

collecting Pokemon cards, hockey cards


What´s your favourite season?/ roční období?

What´s your favourite month? 

seasons and months


What´s your favorite day? My favourite day is....days of the week song